Thursday, October 26, 2023


 Sleep is on of the most important things to help you recover and be healthy, but for some reason some people struggle with getting enough of it. I know me personally am one who does not get enough sleep. I am defiantly working on getting more sleep as it improves your brain performance, mood and health. It can even cause some diseases and disorders if you do not get enough sleep. Some of these are things such as heart diseases, strokes, obesity and dementia. Sleep is also a huge help for muscle recovery, and helps you build muscle after working out.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself not getting enough sleep a lot of the time as well. I need to pay way more attention to the amount of sleep that I am getting each night. There are so many benefits to getting the right amount of sleep and so many negative that come with not getting the right amount of sleep. The right amount of sleep improves every aspect of your health throughout the day. Not getting the right amount can cause serious problems down the road, which makes it even scarier to not get a good amount of sleep.



 Sleep is on of the most important things to help you recover and be healthy, but for some reason some people struggle with getting enough o...