Monday, October 23, 2023

Static vs Dynamic Stretching

What is the difference between static and dynamic stretching? Well it is quite simple static stretching is when you are holding a stretch for a period of time. These are stretches such as bending and touching your toes, sitting and reaching to one side, pulling your knees to your chest while lying on the ground. ect. Next is dynamic stretching, this is when you are doing a movement based stretch and not holding it. These would be stretches such as high knees, leg swings, jumping jacks, arm circles, ect. One of the big question I hear a lot are when do I do static and when do I do dynamic stretching? It is suggested that you do dynamic stretching before your physical activity to get the blood flowing, and static after to help with recovery. 


  1. In the world of athletic training we use both static and dynamic stretching. They are both beneficial in their own ways when it comes sports. For gymnastics specifically we did a lot of static stretching before we did dynamic. I really enjoyed this blog post about the different types and what you can do for each of them.

  2. When I'm coaching basketball or softball I try to incorporate static and dynamic stretching. I think both types are very important to athletes. Both of these are beneficial in different ways. I make sure to have them do stretches before and after we are done. It helps with the body being not as sore the next couple of days. Nice job on your blog!

  3. Ever since I started playing sports, the difference in static and dynamic stretching has always been absolutely paramount to success. Static stretching to me has always been a key component in warming up certain areas of the body that can't always be pushed when stretching dynamically. When playing soccer and baseball, I absolutely need more dynamic stretching since much of the sport is based on starts and then stops. Short bursts of sprinting can sometimes be harmful when only static stretching. However, static stretching can reach muscles that dynamic can't always get to such as a groin, hip flexors and other particular muscles in the legs.

  4. since i started track i have learned all kinds of new stretches. Both static and dynamic. I love this topic because we can use it in all kinds of ways for sports and just every day life. i do tend to do more dynamic stretching for track. but you can never go wrong with some static stretching.

  5. This an amazing topic because stretching should be implemented into everybody's daily life. There are so many benefits and so many different stretches that can be done. Static and dynamic stretching are very beneficial and both are great for certain things. Dynamic stretching is great for when you are playing sports or doing something that requires short bursts. Static stretches can get to different areas and help when doing other things.



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