Thursday, October 26, 2023


 Sleep is on of the most important things to help you recover and be healthy, but for some reason some people struggle with getting enough of it. I know me personally am one who does not get enough sleep. I am defiantly working on getting more sleep as it improves your brain performance, mood and health. It can even cause some diseases and disorders if you do not get enough sleep. Some of these are things such as heart diseases, strokes, obesity and dementia. Sleep is also a huge help for muscle recovery, and helps you build muscle after working out.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Why be active?

Many people are not physically active and struggle to find the motivation to push them selves to be active. One of the reasons to be active is for you to have the best change at a long and healthy life down the road with the least amount of health problems. Another reason to be physically active is because it is a great way to clear your mind if need be and or to stay focused. Being active will help you be happier throughout your life and help you feel better. I hope one day I will get to teach kids how to be active in many ways so they can hopefully live a long and healthy life.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

5 food groups

As many of us learn at a young age there are 5 main food groups, these consist of proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Some examples of proteins are beef, chicken, beans, and turkey. Proteins help your muscles recover and rebuild them. Grains are where a lot of your crabs come from, foods such bread, pastas, oats, and rice. Next you have vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, corn, and peas. These give you vitamins and dietary fibers. Fruits also are another good options for vitamins, foods such as apples, watermelon, pears, lemons. Last we have dairy products, these also have some source of protein but help with maintaining strong bones. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese


Monday, October 23, 2023

Static vs Dynamic Stretching

What is the difference between static and dynamic stretching? Well it is quite simple static stretching is when you are holding a stretch for a period of time. These are stretches such as bending and touching your toes, sitting and reaching to one side, pulling your knees to your chest while lying on the ground. ect. Next is dynamic stretching, this is when you are doing a movement based stretch and not holding it. These would be stretches such as high knees, leg swings, jumping jacks, arm circles, ect. One of the big question I hear a lot are when do I do static and when do I do dynamic stretching? It is suggested that you do dynamic stretching before your physical activity to get the blood flowing, and static after to help with recovery. 


 Sleep is on of the most important things to help you recover and be healthy, but for some reason some people struggle with getting enough o...